Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations

MTU has a number of rules and regulation in place in relation to upholding the institute’s academic integrity.

Any attempt by a student to gain unfair advantage in assessment through cheating or plagiarism is an extremely serious breach of student regulations.

Plagiarism can be described as taking over someone else’s line of thought, argument, arrangement, and supporting evidence without acknowledging it fully or correctly i.e.  copying someone else’s work, directly or indirectly, without referencing it in the submitted piece correctly.

Such cases may be referred onto the Examinations Infringements Board, who will investigate the allegation.

The Board will:

  • Assess the degree of unfair advantage gained, having reviewed the available information;
  • Decide the appropriate Penalty

Penalties in serious cases may include: failure of the subject, without the right to be reassessed, failure in year of assessments, restriction of final classification i.e. going from a 2.1 to a 2.2 etc. or termination of studies.